An Unexpected Journey
Once in a while, extraordinary things seem to come out of the blue. Sometimes they can lead you on a very special magical journey. That's just what happened to me.
I've been drawing and painting since childhood. When I was older and after years of workshops and lessons, I figured out that figures were my passion. Although I often work from my imagination, I attend weekly drawing classes with live models. It was at one of these sessions that a very unusual thing occurred. I had just finished a sketch of our model and was attempting to put a background in the drawing. I began random drawing lines and circles. As I continued, something strange began to happen. An unusual image began to emerge. It was as if my pencil had a life of its own. When the drawing was completed, there staring back at me was the most adorable, bigger-than-life hare. There was no mistaking it. The image was quite realistic, but felt like it had been channeled as I clearly did not start out to paint a hare! I was extremely intrigued and delighted with him. I say "him" because the hare seemed to have a strong male presence. It seemed almost as if he was there to protect and guard the women.
After that first drawing, they just kept coming, one after the other throughout the year. Ultimately they lead to a successful series and book which I've entitled, Women and Their Hares.

"A Garden Affair" 24x18
There are over 25 paintings in a new book along with the story of my wonderful first year with the hares and how it all started. It's a continuing saga that I hope continues as long as these furry critters want to come into my work. I already have almost a hundred drawings yet to be painted.
The book will be available by the end of June, 2019. One half of all proceeds from the sale of the book will go to the Wildlife Project, San Diego Human Society, San Diego, CA. Please contact me if you are interested to know more about it or wish to purchase a copy.

I'm proud to have the collection saved in book form to remember always this happy adventure. Stay turned as I add new works to my portfolio. Let me know your thoughts and how you like the series and the book. Working on this series has been the happiest time of my art career.

"Hare of My Heart" 24x18